Language of Movie

Is this movie in Spanish or in English?

Silence is often misinterpreted, but never misquoted.


It's in Spanish (with Subtitles for English release)
Although very little English is spoken in one scene


Thank you!

Silence is often misinterpreted, but never misquoted.


It's an outstanding movie. 10/10.


The language is spanish spoken by cubans and mexicans. Even when spanish is my first language I had to turn on english subs in order to understand the cubans whenever they started to speak fast!
It's not that I haven't heard cubans before, I know many cubans, plus I've been in Cuba several times, yet I think only cubans can understand themselves when they start talking quicker.

This is a great "mockumentary" (I can't find a better word to describe this film). Which makes me wonder why Marcovich is wasting his talent shooting crappy docus and videoclips about crappy pop bands/singers like OV7, Timbiriche, Benny Ibarra, etc.? Or perhaps Marcovich ain't really a talented director and "¿Quién diablos es Juliette?" was just a happy accident?
Time will tell.

