Episodes that I have

There were 40 episodes in the series. I have all but 10 of them on tape. I'll be getting 3 more soon. I would like to get them all. The following are the ones I have

1. In The Beginning
2. The Note
3. How Time Flies
4. Switch
5. Perceptions
6. Three Cheats And The Wind
7. Comitments
8. The Spy
9. Nightmare On Rodeo Drive
10. The Rat
11. The Cover-Up
12. The Y Files
13. The Monster Among Us
14. The Universial Hitchhiker
15. Deja Vu
16. The Ghost Warrior
17. The Opiate Of The Future
18. Gordon Cries Wolf
19. Mr. Popularity
20. Beverly Hills 902-oblivion
21. Ozone O'mio
22. The Glitch
23. Emperor For A Day
24. The Imposter
25. Take Two Galitic Sentials and Call Nimbar In The Morning
26. The Last People On Earth
27. The Primal Scream
28 & 29. The Pyschritrist(sp?) Part 1 & 2
30. It's A Gorganus Life

The following three episodes are episodes that I don't have but luckily found someone that does and will be getting a copy from him soon:

31. The Quitter
32. Trust
33. Winner Takes All

The following are episodes I also don't have but I remember what they were about. Some of the titles I remember, some I don't. I'm hoping someone else recorded this show when it was on.

34. The Sorceror gives his staff to the Sentinels. They bring the staff back to Nimbar who thanks to the staff begins to act very strange.

35. The Main Brain Scheme: Not sure if that's the exact episode title, but anyway Neraugla(sp?) turns all the people of Beverly Hills into retards. Gordon who was wearing some kind of head invention Swinton made at the time the spell was casted in unaffected.

36. Swinton thinks he doesn't have any confidence. So the other three teens and Nimbar come up with a plan which involves Gordon dressing up as Culebra and pretending to attack the girls so Swinton can show up and defeat him. The plan goes okay until the real Culebra shows up.

37. Culebra puts a spell on the Sentinels making them hate each other.

38. The Leech: The Sorceror puts a leech on Drew. That's all I can remember about this episode.

39. Nerguala(sp?) puts some kind of spell on Laurie which gives her the ability to read people's minds.

40. Don't remember the exact plot but I think it was about Ninjabot plotting to betray Gorganus.


Whats up? How much will you sell copies of the episodes for??? This wa sone of my favorite shows growing up, believe it or not, and i havent been able to find episodes anywhere. Please let me know. Thanks.



I'd be interested as well

[email protected]



[email protected]



I would also like to know if i could somehow get some copies, or if anyone else knows where i can find some episodes, or if anyone is selling them on ebay.


I would like to add my name to the list of people wanting to buy tapes.
[email protected]


Perhaps this will help your memory of the shows you are missing. It is the producers loglines for Episodes 34-40

34 LOGLINE: Back in Beverly Hills, after another battle as Galactic Sentinels, the teens find nobody home on Earth.

35 LOGLINE: Lechner becomes "the Sorcerer's Apprentice" when Gorganus takes a leave of absence, and almost succeeds in driving Nimbar to the breaking point.

36 LOGLINE: Gorganus attempts to activate a Portal Jammer which will defeat Nimbar, while Drew, Swinton and Gordon race the clock to reverse a galactic virus which is de-evolving Laurie into a deranged monster.

37 LOGLINE: The common cold almost causes the destruction of the Earth when it sweeps through the ranks of the Galactic Sentinels, ultimately afflicting even Nimbar.

38 & 39 LOGLINE: The Galactic Sentinels face discovery, when Drew has to meet with a psychiatrist -- who wants to institutionalize her! (Two-parter)

40. LOGLINE "Nimbar decides to show the Galactic Sentinels what life would be like without their valient efforts, a world in which Gorganus ruled. Unfortunately, it's a nightmare that comes true!"

Glad you liked the show.


Add me to the ever growing list to buy tapes.

[email protected]


I too have looked for years for episodes of this series. PLEASE let me know if any copies are for sale.


