back in second grade

i remember i did a presentation on this show back when i was in second grade and my teacher didn't beleive the titled. i myslef, have always loved this show! it was short lived, and yes crappy, but i cherished it as much as am 8-year old boy could! i had a boy crush on gordon, and thought laurie reminder me of my sister. apollo was the hottie, and drew, had a super model aunt, and she though very down-to-earth, was the cool one! i think this show provided an in depth look at roles that teenagers have on kids. they were all elitists, and swinten/apollo even said once "i can't be a super-hero, i don't even take gym!" i laughed, and still do eleven years later. this show had a sexy one be a guy instead of a chick. the traditional cheerleader laurie had adult problems and gordon, the sly one was cute to boot. their weapons were cheesy, shiny plastic peices that looked like batons and shot pretty animated special effects! it was out-dated for what others offered. and the stunt people didn't look like the actors. especially when the fought, which wasn't a mock set-up of angel grove like we're used to but to a forest dark/gothic desert-esqe place. total riots! the theme song still rings in my head. and i am very glad that i have a couple of episodes on tape. does anyone remember the episode when laurie became a monster because the monster threw-up on her and all she ate was rancid meat for a week because that's what monsters crave? too much fun! gordon was such a sissy, i love him! no one did anything after this show, and it'll probably air in the uk in a couple of years and make millions. i hope that this come to dvd soon! long live laurie, gordon, drew, and swinten! scorpio, taurus, centuar, and apollo! as they wore their shiny plasticy-metal latex short-shorts and muscle-tees! turquoise, black, magenta, and yellow never looked so good!
--Rob Hennings


Holy garbage. Everything you said I completely agree with. I too had a huge crush on gordon especially when he was Taurus! I was in the second grade and was surprised to find that two of my friends watched the show too! It says it ran for 40 episodes but I can't remember that one! My favorite one had an Ice Monster! I tried to find any exsisting copies... but failed until I read your comment... i would do anything if you can make copies of those tapes you have and give them to me. None of my friends believe the show exsisted... and the theme song is in my head all the time too..

Thier tattooed teenage (bum bum) ailen fighters (bum bum) thier tattooed teenage ailen fighters from beverly hills (bum bum bum bum bum bum) I think it came on either before or after Wierd Science... please respond to this and you can email me anytime

[email protected]

Michael Licari


Thank god I found this. I truly thought I was losing my mind, asking all of my friends if they remember this show. They look at me like I was nuts when I told them it was about kids with tattoos that talked to a gelantinous blob and fought aliens. I remember watching this show early in the morning before heading off to first grade (you guys have a 1-year advantage). One episode that really stuck in my mind was when one kid had said something about Deja Vu, and he began repeating the same day over and over again. I loved the show, and I never even noticed that the set was cheezy.



Thank God some besides me remembers this show! I was in kindergarten when this show started, and I can remember watching on Saturday mornings on the USA network. It was cheesy but I loved it. And I still totally hum the theme song at random moments, lol.

"I'm off to make trouble for the establishment"


sweet shizz-nizzli!
i remember the deja vu episode! but it wasn't a guy, it was drew, the chick that turned into centaur (the magenta one). it was awesome... thanks so much for bringing that to my attention.

"Ninja kick the damn rabbit!"


hey heads up, i got nostalgic and looked this show up on, and they have a listing of every episode of the series. yes there are 40 episodes. i thought it would have merly 15, but no, you are right it is 40.

"Ninja kick the damn rabbit!"


God, I Loved This Show. I Don't Care What Anyone Thinks Of It. My Memories Of Second Grade Are Few, But I Assume That I Was Around That Age When I Watched As Well. It's Crazy How Time Kind Of Forgot This Show. While I Don't Remember Much About It, I Do Remember That I Enjoyed It. It's So Cool To Find People Who Enjoyed It As Well.


there's somebody out the for every niche in the world.

"Ninja kick the damn rabbit!"



okay, yes.
but it wasn't drew (the blonde one), it was lori. it happened when a monster spued gas while they were fighting and she turned into a savage. eating a week old ham sandwich. the joke about her doing it was that she was hungry all the time, and she was vegitarian. later in the episode the fellow alien fighters had to chain her up with nimbar and fight the monster, in aim to make it throw-up. only by throwing-up could lori return to normal.
that was one of the funnier episodes. good times.
lori gordon drew & swinton...
...shiny plastic latex never looked so good!

"Ninja kick the damn rabbit!"


Lol I just found these on Youtube...I used to love this show. well I used to watch it. I remember my sister and I would make fun of it all the time but none the less we would be sitting there watching it on TV. LOL it was fun to watch it again.


sweet they're on youTube!?!?!?!
i'm going to have to check that out. do you know how many are posted?
--Rob Heathers.

"Ninja kick the damn rabbit!"


I remember when I was 3rd grade, I was in a total Power Rangers phase. Or maybe it was all the rage at the time (1994-95). I used to not only watch Power Rangers, but also VR Troopers and Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad. Anyway, for a short while, I kind of tuned into this show to check it out. Even at the time, I thought that saying that it was cheesy wasn't the right word for this show. It was utter crap! Though I did think that Leslie Danon was hot. As was her counterpart for the fight scenes (If only they showed her face). I noticed there on YouTube. I'll check them out to get a good laugh.

"English? Who needs that? I'm never going to England."
