She-Ra ... aka Buffy

She-Ra was the Buffy of the 80's, she was my hero growing up and she kicked ass. They NEED to bring this back.


I think She-ra was more attuned to Xena than Buffy. They both started out working for the bad guys, only to be shown the light by a very powerful and influencial hero (He-man and Hercules) and became ultimate champions of justice! To each his own though. You're right...she kicked serious ass!!


Never really watched Xena but thinking about it your right she is more like her.


Actually, you could say that Buffy was "bad" in a sense. Before she learned of her destiny, she didn't really contribute much to society, and wasn't the nicest person in the world.

"Are you a Heather?"
"No. I'm a Veronica."


Just wanted to say great observation!

I enjoy the way both characters are portrayed, and He-Man of course. I like the uplifting effect watching any of these shows has.


NO!!!...I hate Buffy....She-Ra is the greatest.Please no more Buffy talk.It crops up everywhere,I detest it.

"It too was transdimensional,
something monstrous crammed down into
human flesh"

