Hordak's troopers

Those big guys in the gray armor with the eyes that blink as they talk: Are they supposed to be human or robots? In some episodes, they seem human, going to pubs and eating. However, in episode 13 after being hit and smashed to pieces, they're shown to have circuitry inside.

House. My room. Can't walk. My medal. My father. Father, don't!


no they are just robots, because they did not want to show violence in these shows so they made them robots so it made it seem a bit better when she-ra throttled them


In the first few episodes, the troopers were supposed to be people in armor and they seemed more menacing. To make it less heavy-handed, the vileness of the troopers got changed more to comedic dum-dum kind of stuff. They also were changed over to robots so that Hordak could blow them up without making it seem like an act of cruelty to a living being.


The MAIN reason the troopers became mere robots as opposed to humans after the first five episodes is because that made it VERY SIMPLE for the writers to have She-Ra and the other Rebels simply "destroy" them, and all the vehicles they operated.

Even if Filmation DIDN'T have their no-violence-against-humans policy, it still made life a million times easier for the writers to just have destructible robot troopers that could be treated like TOYS/OBJECTS as opposed to human troopers that need to be 'dealt' with as PEOPLE.
