MovieChat Forums > She-Ra: Princess of Power (1985) Discussion > She-Ra had A LOT more super strength act...

She-Ra had A LOT more super strength action than Wonder Woman EVER did.

Wonder Woman in both the Superfriends and Justice League shows usually only show her doing martial arts moves, with a super strength scene here and there.

She-Ra on the other hand, in like EVERY single episode she would be bending bars, lifting vehicles and giant rocks, moving the moon, that kind of stuff.

You know, they're SUPERHEROINES, like lift something heavy, show off your superpowers. Wonder Woman BARELY even showed any, even among the animated movies.


That's because superheroines are never allowed to be more powerful than the men. It would be unladylike.

"House. My room. Can't walk. My medal. My father. Father, don't!"


When "Superfriends" was on, there was a limit as to what they could show in Saturday morning cartoons in terms of action. I remember reading that they could show Wonder Woman picking up a boulder and hitting someone with it, but they couldn't show her really punching or kicking someone. The reasoning behind that thinking was a child couldn't lift a boulder but could hit someone. Standards were sort of relaxed around the time "Batman: The Animated Series" came on TV.

"There will be blood. Oh, yes! There will be blood."-Jigsaw; "Saw II"


Standards weren't just "relaxed" when "Batman: The Animated Series" came on TV. The totally depraved Bruce Timm decided to make things as violent as possible, and that's how animation has remained ever since.
