Stupid question..

..why are TJ and Spinelli allowed to wear hats in school?


some schools let you wear hats

different schools, different dress codes


i always wondered about that, too, they also let Vince wear that basketball jersey. at my school they don't even let us wear basketball jerseys even if there's a shirt underneath. we can only wear basketball jerseys when we're on the basketball team, have a game that day, and a jacket on. seriously.

Spencer from iCarly
Never be ashamed of being Christian.


sounds like nazi germany where you live


Well, two of our teachers are practically Nazis. One's a seventh grade social studies teacher; the other is an eighth grade P.E. teacher. The social studies teacher gives you detention if you leave your notebook or study guide at home and plays favorites. The P.E. teacher makes you participate even if you have a sick note from home or a doctor.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!


at my school we HAD to wear hats as part of compulsory sunburn prevention policy.



Wow, high school's where they totally let up on the hat rule where i live. Although then they had to deal with more distracting issues, like texting in class..


lol, all of this stuff makes my school sound good...


you'd think in a country where uniforms aren't compulsory like america they wouldn't have a issue with people wearing hats... it is a bit weird and old fashioned. like my mother said (she used to be christian) in church you can't wear hats...




My school was fine with hats but not good with hoods. Because you can hide earbuds from a MP3 player in hoods. Haha!

A bird in the hand keeps the Doctor away.
MR%P T7 U~O 10nant


Lawson wore his cap too. Jeez, the Diggers actually wore miner's helmets with lights on the front of them. King Bob wears a sports helmet made to look like a crown. Basically, we're dealing with a totally fictional representation of an elementary school, things are not portrayed in a realistic way.

Yippee: "For king!"
Yappee: "For country!"
Yahooie: "And, most of all, for 10ยข an hour!"
