He-man as a sex symbol

Even if this was a kid's show there were onvious examples of He-man/Adam as a sex symbol. First He-man was well buit, blond, baby faced young hero who wore very provacative little undies. Second, even as Adam he was well built and dressed in tight shirts and pants. He was attracted to Tella and I do believe that He-man was kissed in several episodes. Alot of adults love watching these he-man cartoons today. Is it because of the sexual overtones of cartoon with He-man and teela dressed so sexualy.


He-man is so gay.

I don't mean gay as in lame or any other derogitory meaning, I mean gay as in he enjoys to have sex with men.

Let's look at the facts.
-He man is really Prince Adam's ideal version of himself.
-Prince Adam's outfit seems to consist of fur lined boots, Lavender pants and a pink shirt.
-Prince Adam likes to work out
-Prince Adam dotes on his cat.
-Has a blond Page boy haircut, and sculpted eyebrows
-Has only one female friend, and he hangs more often with her mom.
-has been known to ride behind another guy on the same horse, said man was dressed even gayer.
-Prince Adam is widely viewed as being a sissy

Now I know what you're saying that's circumstantial evidence.

Prince Adam describes his transformation into his even more gay alter ego as such. "Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic sword..." OK... Wow. What kind of secret powers? "Fabulous secret powers". How did he get them? He was playing with his "magical sword"

So now he's He-Man
-He man likes to wear a metal wife beater in such a way you can see his six pack abs, and a furry speedo
-hangs with Man-at-arms, Ram-man, and Fisto, 2/3 of which have 70s style mustaches.
-Then there is all that ambiguously gay dialogue.

Other than the plausible deniability of a relationship with the one chick his age not related to him that he knows, the evidence is pretty damning. He-man is gay, I rest my case.


^ Classic!

’Cause there’s thunder in your heart... Every move is like lightning!


I don't mean gay as in lame or any other derogitory meaning, I mean gay as in he enjoys to have sex with men.

and how do you intend to support this theory???
Let's look at the facts.

Yes LET'S LOOK AT THE FACTS keyword being...FACTS.
-He man is really Prince Adam's ideal version of himself.

where is this stated....oh even SUGGESTED in ANY of the show?? if this was the case everyone would look at He-Man and know he is really Prince Adam.
-Prince Adam's outfit seems to consist of fur lined boots, Lavender pants and a pink shirt.

any shade of purple (which lavender is) and/or pink are known to be famous tradtional royal colors of a kingdom. that doesn't mean that every kingdom uses them as their kingdom's colors.... but alot have been to. Apparently with the Kingdom of Eternia it was decided that Pink and Lavender (NOTE THE COLOR OF THE KINGDOM IS A CROSS BETWEEN PINK AND PURPLE. I.E. ROYAL COLORS) would be used since it was common knowledge...well to those of us with atleast a double digit IQ that those colors were common royal colors.
-Prince Adam likes to work out

how is one gay if they like working out??? this makes no sense AT ALL
-Prince Adam dotes on his cat.

Dotes means to foolishly or silly....again this make no contribution as to his sexual preference.
-Has a blond Page boy haircut, and sculpted eyebrows
again this make no contribution as to his sexual preference.
-Has only one female friend, and he hangs more often with her mom.

actually he has Three Teela and the Sorceress and there's his sister She-Ra, Teela just has short temper for him and doesn't under when he "runs away" it's to become he-man. plus those are the only 3 females on the side of good. only o
-has been known to ride behind another guy on the same horse, said man was dressed even gayer.

well first of all....it was....get the second man's horse and ride on the same horse. or walk..now considering the time they had?? i would say walking wasn't really an option. oh and by the way? there is no such word as "gayer" the proper term is "more gay"
-Prince Adam is widely viewed as being a sissy

so is clark kent so does that make superman gay???

so really there is nothing to suggest he-man is gay at all

Other than the plausible deniability of a relationship with the one chick his age not related to him that he knows, the evidence is pretty damning. He-man is gay, I rest my case

i think you just have a strange fetish for Gay people and you yourself are a queer who hasn't admited it to yourself yet and will always refuse to come out of the closet. in short??? with all the you do about others being gay? it inturn suggests you yourself a homosexual and choose to repress these feelings whenever they start to come out. You're Homo who's afraid of what you are, i rest my case.


Wow, you have no sense of humor.


jadguy - That was truly one of the greatest posts in the history of IMDB.



He-Man's a lot better sex symbol than that retard Rob Pattison!

Justice for Caylee Anthony! Death penalty for Casey Anthony!


In the comics (early ones anyway) , Adam was a womanizer....believe it or not.


Womanizer actually sounds like a potential name for a "MOTU" character .

Now playing: Automan http://saturdayshowcase.blogspot.com/


Womanizer actually sounds like a potential name for a "MOTU" character .

I think you mean Womanizor, lol.

Womanizor, Eternian Philanderer! Only $5.99!


I think you mean Womanizor, lol.

Womanizor, Eternian Philanderer! Only $5.99!


Now playing: Automan http://saturdayshowcase.blogspot.com/
