Idea for a He-Man Movie

Hey there. I have come up with an idea for a He-Man movie that I really want to write, but I'm going to need help with it and I am looking for some serious writers who are looking to make it in Hollywood as film writers. We can talk more about this though im or on facebook.



I'm being serious. I'm not joking around. I like to try and write a movie story for Masters of the Universe. I just needs some co-writers to help me make it happen and to make it work.





well kclanning, thats something i can help you out with... and for 2 reasons... 1)i really AM a screenwriter, and 2)i was a diehard he-man fan as a kid, and now as an adult i own all the DVDs of the show... so if youre definately serious about this let me know... send me a personal message on here and we can talk further about it... as long as youre DEFINATELY serious... ill look forward to hearing from you


Screenwriter824, I sent you a PM


i know, kclanning i sent you one in response... i look forward to talkin with u further



I'm still waiting for the ultimate live action of the Eternaian gladiator!



