MovieChat Forums > He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (1983) Discussion > One thing I've always wondered about Ske...

One thing I've always wondered about Skeletor

What kind of creature was he supposed to be? Was he some kind of demon? Did he used to be human?


I've seen stuff where he was actually King Rancor's brother. But on the newer He-man they show him as a blue "normal" looking sorcerer and he's made to be skull faced by a reversed potion thrown back at him by then General Rancor.

You have offended my family, and you have offended the Shaolin Temple-- Bruce Lee


Yeah, I saw that thing about the spell that was reversed, but I hadn't yet seen that at the time I made that original post. I wonder if that was created for those more recent episodes, or if that was actually part of the original backstory.


I believe in the new series true Eternias were Blue and Randors people were kinda desended from Snake people who became more human over time. What i mean is this. Randor and Keldor had different mothers.
Because in the new series Keldor did resemble Aro There father. Before the potion accident.
However also i think in classic he-man Skeletor always looked that way or maybe was made that way by The Hoard in order to please Hoard Prime.


Originally, he didn't have a back-story beyond that of being a sorcerer. Then, in 1987 or so, they decided to make him into King Randor's brother. It was going to be their attempt at a Darth Vader storyline, but the cartoon series had already ceased production and the toy-line itself was on the decline. The only references to him ever being Adam's uncle were in the comics. Once the series was updated in 2002, however, they went with the story of him being the king's brother who, um, became Skeletor through means involving black magic. I'm not certain on the details, honestly.

So yeah, evil sorcerer or evil brother turned skeletal nightmare. Take your pick.


2002 series had him as Randor's evil (half) brother Keldor
--who was a minion of the Horde ...
Keldor throws acid/potion at Randor during a fight,
Randor blocks the potion, and splashes it back on Keldor's face.
Keldor retreats with his soldiers and seeks aide from his 'master' Hordak
between Hordak, Keldor and Evil-Lyn they work magic to 'heal' Keldor, but unknown to Keldor/Evil-Lyn, 'the healing' will leave him with the skull head
upon seeing his new bony countenance He declares himself 'Skeletor', flips up his hood and laughs maniacally


In the mini-comics that came with the early Masters of the Universe toys Skeletor was a being from another dimension. He came to Eternia when a hole between the dimensions was opened during the Great Wars. Skeletor sought the two halves of the Power Sword so he could reopen the portal to his dimension and allow his race to invade Eternia. The stories in the early mini-comics were ignored by the makers of the Filmation animated series, however.
