Was Skeletor the victim of racism?

Is Skeletor older than his brother King Randor and if so was he the victim of racism? I know the whole Skeletor/Keldor story was never adressed on the show but was the reason Keldor wasn't aloud to be king of Eternia because he was half Gar and didn't look human?
I never got to read the comics but found the Keldor being Skeletor origin on the 2002 He Man series really cool.From the little that I know from the old He Man mini comics that Keldor was King Randors brother.If Keldor was the older brother was he pushed out of the way in favour of his human lookin brother because of racism and if so it would certainly tarnish the squeaky clean image of He Mans family.
Does anyone know what really went down between Keldor and Randor?

Its treason then! (Palpatine - Stars Wars ROTS)
