MovieChat Forums > He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (1983) Discussion > Real Actors. Rotoscoping. Who were they?...

Real Actors. Rotoscoping. Who were they?.

You know, He-Man & MOTU was rotoscoped, so I've always wondered who the real actors for animations.

I guess, only was a Guy for He-Man and others men, and a Girl for Teela and others women.
I don't know if in She-Ra & POP were the same actors (I "casually" always noticed that Adora & Glimmer had different physique/measurements).

I have not seen this info in its imdb file and I have not seen a similar thread in the board.

Who were they?


There's a little bit about this on one of the docs included on one of the seasons of the original DVD sets (The Entertainment Rights produced versions, not the stripped down Mills Creek releases) but from what I could gather from threads over @, they just used a couple of bodybuilders. ootage-Question

He went to Bespin Luke Skywalker, but he left Hand Solo


Thank you so much. Awesome thread, very good information.

I'm glad that apparently I'm not the only one who thinks that information is very interesting and even "a treasure".

Many comments are very good and I found other links also with good comments, so I'll paste all the links here if anyone is interested too.

Here a photo of the actors: He-Man, Skeltor and Teela (& crew members):

Here a link with a good article and a lot of sketchs:

