MovieChat Forums > He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (1983) Discussion > And I thought Superman's disguise was a ...

And I thought Superman's disguise was a joke

At least Clark Kent wore glasses to shield the identity of his alter ego (which is pretty pathetic in its own right), but Prince Adam doesn't even try! He-Man and Prince Adam look exactly the same! Is everyone in Eternia blind?


He-Man is taller, significantly more muscular, has a squarer jaw, sports longer hair, and looks a little older. I'd believe it if somebody said that Adam looked like He-Man's kid brother.

What really gives the character away is the fact that both Adam and He-Man have a talking green tiger; apparently the only two on Eternia. With Adam and Cringer disappearing every time that people see He-Man and Battle Cat, you'd think that people would begin to speculate.

There aren't many shape shifters on Eternia; but knowing that magic exists, they should be able to put the pieces together.


He-Man is taller, significantly more muscular, has a squarer jaw, sports longer hair, and looks a little older. I'd believe it if somebody said that Adam looked like He-Man's kid brother.

Well actually, there is no difference in hair length or height in the 80s show because they used the same character design model for He-Man and Adam (even though they wanted Adam to be different). He-Man and Adam looked exactly the same except for the darker colored skin. The new He-Man cartoon made more sense in this aspect because his body changed to a point where he looked barely looked like Prince Adam.

I an't afraid of no ghosts!


Everyone is blind except our friends The Sorceress, Man-At-Arms, and Orko.

I'm the saddle.



Thank you, Christina.

I'm the saddle.


You're welcome!




At least Clark Kent wore glasses to shield the identity of his alter ego (which is pretty pathetic in its own right), but Prince Adam doesn't even try! He-Man and Prince Adam look exactly the same! Is everyone in Eternia blind?

Even as a kid I thought that "disguise" was just sad. The newer incarnation of He-man did try to fix that by making Prince Adam a teenager. That way when he turns into a massive barbarian; height, age, voice and size differences will actually hide his identity effectively.

They should still have done something about his transformation. Those lights and stuff would have been a dead give away that he was changing! Skeletor could have been like "Hmm? what was that noise?" (a-la metal gear solid)And he'd be caught. There should have been a faster quieter way to do it at least in crowded situations LOL

One more thing, I'm glad they make Cringer a non-speaking cat new one BUT it should have been suspicious that Adam would run off with Cringer and He-man would come back with Battle-cat.

You have offended my family, and you have offended the Shaolin Temple-- Bruce Lee


Actually Adam and He-man had different voices and different shades of hair, not to mention diffrent outfits. With She-ra and Adora had diffrent voices and diffrent outfits too. And Sher-a had longer hair than Adora. Those cartoon series was directed at children and it does not take much to make super hero's believeable to kids.

Adam comes across as young teenagerish in the orignial cartoon. Between the ages of oh 18-22 or so. Come on he was chasing after those giggly girls with the blind fold on. blind mans bluff. That was funny to me. Man at arms reaction made it so funny. The way Adam always was seeking his dads respect and approival much like young teen boy or young man would. It's all in the behaviors if you really look at the character.

I liked Cringer talking. Exspecailly when he let Adam have it for mouthing off to Teelah. He rolled over so Adam head would get bumped on the grass. LOL Adam deserved that one.

Ok so I like Adam better than He-man. He-man is all bron , why Adam is all smart, and fun. I wonder what made the creator choose pink and purple for his clothes.

Marlena hinted a couple times in the cartoon she new Adam was He-man and if she figured that out , she would have figure out Adora was She-ra in the Secret of the Sword Movie. She was just smart enough to keep it secret as it was supposed to be. After all don't moms figure things out about their kids. I believe Marlena was the verbally expressive parent.

While Randor was more out wardly expressive. Tended to be harder on Adam then Marlena. Course he also thinks Adam is beining less then Princely when he dispears to turn into He-man when trouble starts, cause he clueless to Adam turning into He-man.


They did a origin ep for He-man and it was said that unless someone was told and/or saw Adam change the sword would prevent anyone from making the connection.

repeat to yourself it's just a show you should really just relax.


i often wonder if everyone on eternia is blind to adam being he-man, and i am hoping someday robot chicken will address this issue.

in the episode "a friend in need" adam can be clearly be seen changing into he-man in the center of town from a height of at least a couple hundred of feet for the entire town to see.

i wonder if adam is teleported to the front of the castle and transported back during his transformation. this would match the stock animation. but it also stated in season 2, into the abyss that the lightning bolts travel from castle greyskull to where he is.

this brings in another question. given the speed of light, wouldn't adam changing into he-man be delayed on trolla or etheria?

a good example of he-mans bad costume can be seen in she-ra episode #3, she-ra unchained, a part of secret of the sword where he-man can be seen walking around in a horde robot guard uniform. given the fact you can't see what clothes he is wearing how would a stranger know that he was adam in a horde tropper outfit or if he was he-man in a horde trooper outfit?

what about the mistake in the opening credits? only 3 share my secret, our friends the sorcerous , man at arms, and orko.

they left out attack track who must know adam is he-man because adam keeps changing in front of attack track all the time

they also left out princess janice from "a trip to morania". she blantly tells adam she saw him change into he-man

they also left out queen marlena out of the opening credits, she tells adam she knew he was he-man all the time in the episode "The Rainbow warrior" from season 2.

janice, queen marlena and attack track got cheated out of the opening credits!!!

what about that yellow ball that shows up as the star seed and like 10 other props!!!

why would the evil horde program their robot troopers to go to bars and drink beer and watch magic tricks?


A good cutaway idea for Family Guy:

Teela asks Adam to open a jar of pickles. He can't, so "disappears" with the jar, changes to He-Man, opens the jar, reverts back to Adam, returns with open jar.


it's what i've always thought, and i didn't recall that there was an episode that addressed the issue, so that's neat. basically it's part of the power of grayskull that a spell is cast clouding the minds of anyone that adam does not reveal the secret to.



It's a cartoon for christ sake. It's like when you was younger you could careless as long as your favorite cartoon was on. give me a break.




You know, I never did think about the lightning and shouting during his transformation.

"Hey, where's that light coming from?"
"I think it's coming from behind that rock where Adam is hiding."
"Hey look! It's He-Man! Yay, He-Man's here!"

If and when they finally do another update of the series, perhaps it would be best if he did a more subtle "I have the power." Also, in regards to his age, the original series places 19 candles on his birthday cake.



i always just took it to be an enchantment that kept others from figuring it out. a clouding of the mind. it is a magic sword after all.





He-Man is tanned, Adam is pale.
Please, is not fair compare the pathetic Superman's disguise (only the eyes) with the He-man's disguise (the whole body).

Plus, in Eternia, the pageboy haircut is the universal fashion and everyone have the same legs and arms and chest. If two guys have different skins and different costumes then they're officially different and unrelated persons.
Also, they have different names and none is of type "X-tor". That's a huge luxury in Eternia.

Sorceress, Man-At-Arms and Orko are very lucky knowing the secret.
