
What do you think about Orko? Is he a useful character or extremely annoying?
I can't stand when he opens up his hat and there is a hand that comes out of it. I realized that it happens in nearly every episode and it is very disturbing.


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Somewhere along the line it became a rule that super-heroics weren't enough to entertain us and that there needed to be a bumbling side-kick on every team to provide "comic relief". From Orko to Snarf to Jar Jar Binks, they're typically despised, yet they keep including them.

The funny thing about Orko--and Snarf as well--is that I actually like them more now than I did when I was a kid. Not Jar Jar though. He still sucks.

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I have always loved Orko. He makes me laugh.


I think Orko was meant to act as a reminder that this was a kid's show. They were just coming out of the Scooby Doo era and this show apparently caused some controversy due to its perceived violent nature.


I didn't care for Orko and the other changes Filmation made to Masters of the Universe to make it more kid-friendly. I preferred the darker mini-comics that came with the early toys.

Orko was similar to Bat-Mite, who appeared in an earlier Filmation production, The New Adventures of Batman. Bat-Mite and Orko were both small, bumbling magical beings from another dimension. Lou Scheimer voiced both characters.



I didn't care for Orko and the other changes Filmation made to Masters of the Universe to make it more kid-friendly. I preferred the darker mini-comics that came with the early toys.

I doubt they would have survived the transition to animation at the time. He-Man drew criticism simply for carrying a sword.

Orko was similar to Bat-Mite, who appeared in an earlier Filmation production, The New Adventures of Batman. Bat-Mite and Orko were both small, bumbling magical beings from another dimension. Lou Scheimer voiced both characters.

Yeah, same concept. I didn't know Bat-Mite was from an older cartoon show. I thought he was a recent creation.

As far as the weird 80's sci-fi sidekicks go Orko was one of the better ones. Compare him to Snarf from Thundercats for example. Now there was one terribly annoying character!

Ugh. Snarf. Yeah, he was far worse than Orko ever was.



Annoying, I mean let the magic work and be useful sometimes and he seems to make some silly decisions and messes up everything, he does adds some comic relief but mostly annoying.


I always felt episodes with Orko in the front lines were especially boring. The character was never explained satisfyingly and most of his related storylines were far from engaging.

But I can guess the kids probably love him.


The best comic relief came from Skeletor's useless assistants Beast Man and Trap Jaw, especial when any of them were fighting and arguing amongst themselves.


I always liked Orko. I thought he was a fun character as a kid. He was meant to be the character that young kids could releate too. I liked the 2002 cartoon version of him as well.
