episode help

what is the episode where prince adam goes to trolla and has to say his line backwards to turn into heman?

someone for the love of god please show a little mercy and kill me


"Dawn of Dragoon" www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBQui0g3Lqg

A journey into the realm of the obscure: http://saturdayshowcase.blogspot.com/


ahh, *gives a thumbs up* I don't see why cringer is afraid to be battlecat, he gets bigger and an armor, I would think he would demand to stay that way

someone for the love of god please show a little mercy and kill me


don't see why cringer is afraid to be battlecat

He is afraid because he knows Battlecat will always be risking his life on the front lines.

I would think he would demand to stay that way

I think he wouldn't want to stay that way because Battlecat isn't allowed to hide under the bed and stuff like Cringer is.

Besides that, Cringer wouldn't be allowed to stay as Battlecat even if he wanted to, because Adam & Cringer are not allowed to use Adam's powers for selfish reasons. They are only allowed to use Adam's powers to help others.
