I just bought the dutch RCV/Miramax DVD edition of 'Outside Providence' and upon inserting the disc and after seeing the trailers, instead of the humorous movie I was supposed to see, was 'treated' to The Howling IV instead. What the *****?

Their website is a horror to navigate, so I have absolutely no clue as to what's going on. Anyone else have this problem?


that sucks man, you should get a dvd recorder and record it off tv


Similar thing happened to me years ago. I bought the movie Heat by Michael Mann and instead was treated to Austin Powers 2. I returned it unfortunately, had the correct disc label and everything, never seen or heard about it happening ever again. Wish I'd kept it for gag value if nothing else. Now I'm wondering if the disc will be considered rare in the future... probably not.

-For now we see in a mirror, darkly; but then shall I know even as also I was known-
