I liked it

So what, sue me. So some of the jokes are watered down. So it was marketed towards kids for Pete's sake. But they're are some things that I'm surprised they got away with.

Really, I like this cartoon. It's funny and entertaining. I enjoy the voice actors. I also enjoy the fact that Patrick McKenna ala Red Green. Played a minor voice acting role in it also.

But if some of you hate it. I'm not stopping you. But I'm gonna keep watching it over and over again. While taking the cartoon for what it's worth. Some good solid entertainment that fits my tastes.


I like it too. It's just that some minor things bothered me.
For example I find the lack of minor profanities disturbing. Not because I can't go one movie without hearing the F-word. But beacause when they refer to other movies and those lines would in the original form contained profanities it just sounds stupid. Like when they qoute Moby Dick in episode 9, and change the line from "From Hells Heart i Stab at Thee" to "From Hecks heart" or something like that. Sam & Max use words like Hell and Damn all the time in the games.

No mentioning of events or characters from Hit the Road was dissapointing. Nothing grand, but i would've liked some reminders about what happened before. I Have not read the comicbook yet. So this might be more based on events in that one. Another thing I find annoying are the dress-up gags. For me thats ill fitting for a Sam & Max related medium. The watered down humor as mentioned above is a minus too.

But when all is said and done, this is a really entertaining show. Sure it don't live up to it's potential. But for what it is. I can enjoy it. Thats more that can be said about most of the cartoons I have viewed recently. Some of the jokes are great and the animation is nice and fluent. I have watched this series about three times since the new year arrived and i must say. I like it. It's a grat one to turn on if you need to kill an hour or two, or three and so on.
