MovieChat Forums > Double Dare (1986) Discussion > Petition to get all double dare episodes...

Petition to get all double dare episodes back on nick on cable tv!!

i asked on a message board yesterday on another website
and i quote "could you petition double dare to being part of the viewer picks
because they are three different 80's double shows before double dare 2000
double dare ran from 1986 till 1988 , super sloppy double dare ran from 1987 til 1989 ,family double dare , ran from 1988 till 1992,
and then, there was double dare 2000 ,which lasted until they transistioned it to the two hour game shows [slime time live, splat]
so if any one has any questions about petitioning all double dare episodes to get back on to nick on cable
because i am a huge fan of double dare

