On Netflix Now!

Got kind of excited. I used to borrow the VHSs from the library all the time!



Me too


I just started re-watching them on Netflix today...man, does this bring back good memories of my childhood in the late 80s/early 90s!! Everything just had such a different feel to it. Even though the acting is somewhat cheesy (c'mon, admit it!:) I'm glad I grew up with this show - and many others - versus what kids have today.

One question though...why does IMDB list one episode as being from 1993, does anyone know?


Agreed. I wish the show lasted longer than it did.



I could have sworn there was more than one season!!!


I own the VHS's tapes too, but I still got excited when I discovered it on Netflix tonight. I was like ahhhh. Sang along to the theme song lol. I also back then I could've sworn they were older than middle school too. I would love a movie and I am 31!


I was thrilled to find it on Netflix! My dad accidentally taped over my VHS a long time ago and I never thought I'd get to see them again! Brings back a lot if memories!


If only they'd release it on dvd i'd buy it in a heart beat.


It's not showing up for me when I search on Netflix, but I'm wondering if this is because I have the DVD-only plan. Is this show only viewable online?


I've never tried online with my computer but it showed up through Netflix on my wii.


Yeah it's on Netflix streaming


Awesome! I watched them all on YouTube within the past couple of years, but I have Netflix, so that's super-terrific of them to stream it. You never know when the YT videos will disappear, if they haven't already.

"If you don't have anything nice to say...come sit by me!"
