The sister's husband.

What was the deal with the sister's husband? He was obviously gay, so why'd he marry her? For that matter, why'd she marry him?


he was bi


Why would such a naive person be interested in a movie like this. Why do Gay people marry? Please. Where have you been? I know Gay men who have thier lovers as the best man. You must have an idea that it is not socially acceptable for Gay men to marry (yet). If their mothers pimp them out to hookers, they can have kids though. Isn't that a sweet hetero idea?




"...Your message will be ignored in the order it is received."


why can't you just answer the question? Some people are so sensitive


Having just watched the film for the 1st time this is the question that bugs me the most although a prior post above summed it up very well and answered the question (for me anyway)...and offers an explanation for both scenarios (adult William being either a real person or a ghost)…the sister was comfortable with him and as screwed up as the family was he wouldn’t demand too much of her and she was rather comfortable with him and who else would have either of them in such a small community – they share the past and prolly finally decided they could have as nice a life together as apart – she gets sex when she wants and he can do as he pleases elsewhere…as odd as it struck me watching it now it seems to me to fit the plot perfectly…they belong together regardless of his sexual orientation…


When I posted this question like forever ago, I never really expected a response. Now, after reading the response tonight, I feel incredibly insulted. I don't think my question was unreasonable, nor was it intended to offend anyone. Unlike pbeat's response. As for why someone as "naive" as I was called was watching that type of movie well...I at the very least try to be open minded and receptive to the views of others.


Chasing Dreams: If you ever check back again, please take note that some of us pondered your question. It motivated most of us to think and respond in the way in which you expected.

Sometimes people who have very strong personal agendas can't think beyond those agendas. pbeat may be one of those people. Rather than consider your question, s/he for whatever reason, chose to bully you. Bullying people doesn't take much intellect. Bullying people on an anonymous chat board doesn't take any courage. So, without telling us anything about her/himself, pbeat told us a LOT about her/himself.

I've seen parts of this movie a few times, never the entire movie, so I came here for answers. I wish I had something to contribute, but I'm lost.

I will say, however, that pbeats response about gays marrying deceptively, doesn't exactly fit with the story line, does it?

charlestutenjr gave an excellent synopsis, and something to think about.


Yes he is gay...and you can see the sister was not very happy during the ceremony, in fact she looked reluctant to marry. i think the husband married to get emotionally close to William, and the sister married to get some closure from the past.


the sister out and out said, "don't think your fooling anyone." in reference to him "wanting to kiss William too."


Fascinating thread, and one of my favorite movies.

This didn't occur to me until just now (and I'm still thinking about the thread elsewhere that asks "is he dead or isn't he")...but: What if the whole reason the sister got married--and the family agreed to it--was that they all believed it was the only way to bring William back into their midst?
