Does anyone have a copy of this movie?

I would like a copy of the movie, "The accident: A moment in Truth. I teach in the high school and would love to get a copy.

[email protected]


I had taped this years ago but had erased over it. They play this quite
frequenly on Lifetime. You could go to the web site to check listings
or see if there is a copy on e-bay. Very good movie for teens to see.


Is this really a true storie? Seems a lillte madeup....I feel if this was a true story there would be a lot more comments. who knew the real people?
They did not grow up in Seattle as the movie sais so or I would have heard about it.

I don't care about names but I want to know what really happened?


I posted it on YouTube, and someone came back and told me they had watched it in their health class, so there must be copies of it out there. You could always download it from YouTube.


known as reckless nights in Australia released by home cinema group in Australia on dvd. Payless Entertainment now have a lot of their stock still.

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