MovieChat Forums > Simon Birch (1998) Discussion > A Few Questions need help

A Few Questions need help

Hi yes in the movie after the play disaster when the reverend says to Simon, I can't speak to Rebecca because well, but If Rebecca was alive what would she say to the reverend about the play? Would she agree with the reverend that they all need a break from Simon as the reverend said?

Please advise,



Of course she would NOT agree that Simon should stop attending church or Sunday School!

The reverend only said he couldn't talk to Rebecca because he wanted to make Simon feel bad for causing her death. He was a d-bag! Had Rebecca lived, and had the reverend told Simon, "we need a break from you", she would have had Simon's back 100%. Like in the scene with Ms. Leavy, Rebecca told her that Simon has more faith than she would ever know. She would have said something similar to the reverend. And, she would have prevailed in her argument, partly because the reverend was most likely afraid that she would out him.

Now, personally, I think Simon's behavior at the church play was deplorable, and the reverend was right in asking Simon to stay away for a while. But Rebecca loved Simon so much, he could do no wrong in her eyes (like when he interrupted the church service and she just laughed).


Oaky Thank you. Just was curious.
