What's up with the ending

Can anyone explain the ending to me?



U mean when the three brothers are going down with the elevator?

That reminds me Angel Heart (1987) when the main characters seems to be going down to hell...



It's been a long time since I saw this movie. I really liked it and what I liked the most was the ending.

If I recall correctly, in the scene where the elevator was going down, it goes down 7 floors (despite the fact that the place where they were didn't had enough floors). I read into these scene an allegory of hell (notice they go down 7 floors, this is the seventh level of hell).
They burn for their sins, even though none was killing Ana.

~Dream: Don't rush to master the 'how' (technique) & then brush past or forget the 'why' (meaning)


I just watched this film and liked it a lot; I think everyone who has responded here is on the right track (and I too thought the elevator going down was cribbed from 'Angel Heart' - was shot almost identically). My question is what the heck the title means; particularly as it appears that Alejandro throws a bowl of ashes into Ana's face right before she runs into his knife... I guess the title is supposed to mean that the idealized love that the brothers feel for Ana goes up in 'ashes' due to the circumstances, but maybe there is something else I'm missing. Can anyone give me a clue as to what the title is supposed to mean?


alex chionetti

I finaly saw this flick....and for responde your question...the film is very simbolic of the argentinian social-political situation....of a generation condemned by previous fascist goverments....sons paying the sacrifice for corrupt and irresponsable parents...Is the Argentina of the eigthies....and a frombrigth screenplay of Aida Bortnik (Oscar award winning ,1986"The official Story")the story is intricated,full of guilt of a generation who is conscient of a sick love to ancestors of the worst batch.
To undesrtand the movie you have to read below the mythical characters,between greek and shakesperean motives,a tragic saga reflected by the generational gap of a country without final direction...until now....
