
Um what was the dance adam and the two girls he meets dance and what song is it a swing dance???



Yes, it was swing and if I remember correctly the song is "Sing, Sing, Sing" played by various artists, that one might have been Benny Goodman, not sure.


At some point I think they were doing the Lindy. The song was "Mr Zoot Suit" by The Flying Neutrinos.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?


Thanks, I've been wondering this too.


Well, just to clarify, they were actually doing the jitterbug not the lindy. The steps and pattern of the dance are a little bit different, I could get technical, but I'll spare you. :) Jitterbug (and this really is just my opinion, I suppose) lends itself really well to adding in fun and funky footwork like Adam does, because it pretty much doesn't matter what steps you're actually DOING, so long as you're on the beat.

Though they weren't doing the Lindy, or the Lindy Hop as it's sometimes called, they were dancing in a LINDY CIRCLE...which is basically an exhibition circle that let's people to things like big kicks and arials and stuff without hurting any other dancers.

I used to do a lot of swing dancing... :)


Hi, I hope people don't mind if I use this thread to ask another question about the dance sequence rather than start a new topic.
I was just wondering if Brendan Frazer did all his own dancing in that sequence?

Infamy, Infamy! - They've all got it in for me!


(3 years later)
nope - they employed a double.
The dancing was amazing.


Haha. I just came on this board to see if someone asked that question. Glad I didn't have to wait 3 years for the answer.


nope - they employed a double
Gee! Pretty seamless integration of double and Fraser then. The dance sequence was a highlight for me.🐭


And everyone else. I loved that scene.
