There is a goof missing

Near the end of the movie when the parents are going to reset the door clocks for 10 years. They are standing in front of the elevator blast door.

But then Adam and Eve appear inside the fallout shelter behind them and Adam introduces Eve to his parents.

How did they get in?

Was there a cut scene where they sneak in and have a little alone time in his bedroom?


That's a good point. There was a 2nd entrance, but if I remember correctly, Calvin stated that it was caved in because of the explosion.

Additionally, why would Adam enter through the other entrance when the only entrance he's ever used was the elevator entrance? And how would he know where to find the 2nd entrance from the outside when he's never exited through that one? One would also think that if the 2nd entrance was really caved in from the explosion, society would have paved over or built over that entrance long ago.


Two entrances. The first one we see is the one with the ladder that gets destroyed by the plane. That is also the entrance where all the gauges are to set the locks. The other one is the one with the elevator, the one they all use to go through the malt shop turned bar place. There was no goof there.
