MovieChat Forums > The Big One (1998) Discussion > If you don't think he loves this country...

If you don't think he loves this country, see this film

Michael Moore is a true patriot in this movie. I think him championing the cause of American workers so much proves he isn't what all the right-wing conservatives want you to believe about him.

"Do these come in funny shapes?"

"No. ...Unless round is funny."




he sets a good example of talking back to the corporate powers, and challenging them.

in a country where freedoms of speech, and the press are guaranteed, it is odd that so many americans are afraid to stand up for their right to get a decent paycheck, and have some
respectable benefits.

so they will work at wal-mart for a pittance and be anti-union even if it is against their own
interests, and happiness.


He loves himself alright. I can't even remember what he was talking about when the camera wasn't on him (which wasn't very often). I don't care what his hands look like on the book or what Garrison Keiler thinks about. Some people afraid to talk about something... I can't tell you what it was. Boring!


What are you saying? He wants the goverment to steal money from one class to give it to another? Or what? If he was a true patriot he would be a libertarian, telling the gov't to go stick it with their forceful theft, and workers would be far better off for it.

"You have been assimilated, resistance was futile!"


in the end credits, it says he gave half of the profits back to flint. that should mean something


Only in America can a rich, fat, college dropout who has literally only worked 1 day of hard labour in his entire life be considered the "champion of American workers"

This movie has proved to me that Moore is an idealist with no knowledge of global economics

"It's true I read it on Wikipedia"


@killian d

Moore owns his own production company with employees---how the hell do you know he never worked a day in his life? Also, he's a self-made man---he literally financed it himself, with NO guarantee that it would even be big,let alone seen at all, for that matter. He came from a family of factory workers--yeah, he grew up middle-class, but he was hardly what you would rich. So as far as I'm concerned, whatever riches he's gotten along the way, he earned it himself. BTW,being a journalist IS a job---you're actually trying to say that just because somebody isn't sweating themselves to death in a factory that it's NOT a real job? That is SO stupid/ignorant,honestly. What the hell have YOU done that's so damn important, besides dogging out a film director for being supposedly rich and fat?

Oh,please--this is actually one of his lesser known flicks--I don't even remember hearing about it when it came out---in fact, I find THE BIG ONE even MORE relevant now than when it came out because corporations are STILL doing the same exact thing today---hell, GM was just in the news recently for saying they just made a couple of million dollars this quarter---and that's only because they laid off a whole bunch of workers---and the economy is even worse now and won't be getting any better for a long while.
