Elementary School

I remember watching this on 4th grade and was amazed by it. Dopebum show


I liked it too. Most school videos are beyond bad.


In 2nd grade we watched both series. I don't remember any specifics about the show because I thought it was so boring. All I remember was a little boy being so excited to be on a boat and running about doing "boat stuff," lol. As a 7 year old I was more interested in reading and crafts than sailing adventure. It's more of an older children's TV series.


(Six/6)th grade for me, but I already watched it on my local PBS TV OTA before the class. Ha.
Ant @ The Ant Farm (http://antfarm.ma.cx) and Ant's Quality Foraged Links (http://aqfl.net).


I watched this in elementary also. Over the years I have asked people if they watched it in school and the answer was always no. Jw where did everyone go to school when they watched it? I went to school in Brockton Massachusetts.


I watched it in Florida.


I'm from NJ and we watched it.
