MovieChat Forums > Very Bad Things (1998) Discussion > For moronic straight guys who read Playb...

For moronic straight guys who read Playboy.....

....and drive around in trucks w/ a six pack of Budweiser on the passenger seat.

This appeals to the most base and uneducated men who drool over porn, and don't get much [free] sex.

It should have been called VERY BAD WHITE TRASH FILM.


Black comedy not really your thing then?


She's a man, it's a sled, he's dead already.


I'm a 27 year old engineer who is married and I LOVE this movie. The only part that matches up is that I'm white and straight. Most of my friends enjoyed this movie as well and they are all far from the demographic you think likes this. This coming from sexorcist6969... I'm thinking you might be the one most likely to be drooling over porn based off your username.



black comedies arent usually enjoyed by halfwits like the OP who dont get them.


I'm a 17 year old gay male who does not drink or read Playboy. I am a very respectful person and yet, I find this movie hilarious.

How many times can it escalate til it elevates to a place I can't breathe? - Fiona Apple



1. Most straight guy's don't "read" playboy, if they happen to get playboy they look at the pictures only, trust me.

2. Most straight guy's use the internet for porn, and don't bother with playboy.


I'm a woman and I LOVED this movie.


I'm a gay male who lives in the city, i drive a car, not a truck, and if there is a playboy around i will actually pick it up and read it. there surprisingly often good/interesting articles in them.. oh, and i thought this movie was GREAT!!
You have a very skewed idea about the target audience of this movie. You probably just saw the begining of the film when it seems like its just gonna be some stupid college "party" movie. Also, all the characters are complete a$$h0les and dispicable human beings.. that's the point.. thats part of the appeal of this film - since all the characters are annoying douche bags, you don't feel bad for them when they get into serious trouble. when you don't sympathize with the characters, then the dark humor can be implicated. that's what made this movie brilliant.


I think the ultimate irony is that we have a guy named "sexorcist6969" calling us white trash. Make of that what you will.


What? are you serious sexorcist6969? I don't know if to take you too serious with that user name.

Anyways, why do some people find this to be a trashy film. Is it because there is some nudity for like 2 minutes? I guess every film out there that has even seconds of nudity would be considered trashy and aimed for uneducated men that are truck drivers lol.

This film was pretty good, in my opinion. I thought the director did a great job in projecting the anxiety and paranoid feelings that these characters were facing after having done what they did to the hooker.

Also, I don't take this too much as a comedy. The Hangover is a more of a comedy than this film.


I'm not a huge fan of this film, but wtf? Where do you get this assumption? You don't like the movie and you don't like rednecks... sooo... same thing? I mean, really!? I almost think you are here to Troll.

This movie may have characters that need to pay for sex, but we aren't supposed to be fans of what they are doing. We are supposed to be disgusted and hope they all get what's coming to them. At least the film more or less delivered on that. If anything it's a boogeyman story to scare men into controlling themselves, and be sure their best friend and/or fiancee are not psychopaths.


This statement coming from a guy with the screen name sexorcist6969 cannot be taken seriously.

You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude.


I loved Playboy Magazine. Then I turned twelve.

