another movie like this?

this movie is certainly hillarious!!! I've been looking for it for almost ten years because when I saw this movie, i was very young- like 15- and had loved it very much. At last, I've found it and watched it last night. I incredibly had fun. This movie is a classic for the dark comedy, even the darkest. So, can someone who loves this movie like me recommend me another one like this under the title dark comedy please?

Thanks a lot...



I don't know why, but it somehow fits the genre.


VERY BAD THINGS is a true gem.


'the last supper' maybe...cameron diaz again..


Yeah, I immediately thought of The Last Supper, go for this one.


the Big nothing

Might be a little hard to find but its worth it. A brilliant piece of Dark comedy in the tradition of Very bad things (it's actually even better than very bad things).


I was thinking the same thing. There was definitely another movie where a prostitute/dancer gets killed at a bachelor party. It came out just before this movie. Anybody?


'Drop Dead Gorgeous'


both, imo, are great dark comedies!
hopefully you'll agree =)


Found it myself. In 1997 there was a movie called Stag. Very similar plot.


Stag was not funny...well, maybe a tiny bit funny, but not like this movie.


How about Jawbreaker


Try "Shallow Grave", as this film is baiscly a remake of it.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


I liked dream lover with James Spader and Mädchen Amick. Something about that movie always intrigued me. Larry Miller is good in it, as well. Definitely worth seeing once. After that, make your own call.



"The Quiet Family", it's an korean movie.
"Head Above Water", again Cameron Diaz ;) But the original from Norway is better, that's the american remake.


Dexter from Showtime is similar in tone to Very Bad Things, with a lot of death and bodies getting dissected. The Last Supper is also about covering up murders (again starring Cameron Diaz).


Try "Shallow Grave", as this film is baiscly a remake of it.

I just read the description of that movie and it says it's a straight forward thriller about 3 guys that discover their roomate is dead and stumble upon his cash. That sounds NOTHING like Very Bad Things, how on earth can you say it's practically a remake when it does't even have a remotely similar basic premise? Mind boggling.


I am wondering your source for the quote you include:
"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God."
---I have not read that before.


Consider Oliver Stones: "U-Turn" which has an ensemble cast.


the hangover perhaps?? 4 friends. las vegas. bachelor party. minus the crazy cameron diaz character!


I watched 'The Hangover' last week and something felt very familiar in tone about that movie. Then 'Very Bad Things' was on TV the other day and and I hadn't seen it in like 10 years, that's when I realized why the 'The Hangover' felt familiar!


I thought the same thing. I mentioned this to other people when talking about The Hangover and was suprised in a sad way that many people had never even heard of Very Bad Things!



i would have to second "big nothing" its a brilliant ridiculous film that was very entertaining


Here are some of my personal favorites.

Happiness (leaves you even more queasy than Very Bad Things in a way)

Death to Smoochy (Vastly overrated)

In Bruges (Sophisticated and brilliantly done black comedy with plenty of thrills as well)

Freddy Got Fingered (You REALLY need the right kind of humor to appreciate this one)

Fight Club (An obvious choice really)

Observe and Report (Panned by fans and critics because people thought it was going to be a Seth Rogen funny buddy comedy when in reality it's a hilariously sick and dark film)


Death to Smoochy (Vastly overrated)

I believe you meant to say vastly underrated. Death to Smoochy is a great movie :)
