MovieChat Forums > The Mutilator (1984) Discussion > Interview With Buddy Cooper on Youtube

Interview With Buddy Cooper on Youtube

Head on over to Youtube and check out the video hosted by KandJHorrorDotCom. There are 2 parts. The 2nd part takes us into the garage of Buddy Cooper where he shows us a lot of memorabilia that would make any Mutilator fan drool with delight.



No, that would be Victor Salva you're thinking of. he directed Clownhouse (which is the movie in which he molested one of the actors) and he also directed Jeepers Creepers 1 & 2


There's another one with him on this site.

Nice little site,it's how I found out about this movie. Also gave me the motivation to *ahem* look up The Blob and Cool As Ice online as well. :) Just too bad the latter title makes MST3K fodder look good. But what other movie lets you see Naomi Campbell sing in the opening credits?

Bring back Scott & Charlene to Neighbours.
