I love this film

Well, I for one really enjoy this film. Amongst the slew of slashers made during the early to mid 80's, this is a big contender for the best one. It has gore, an unusual setting, creative killings, cozy theme ( albeit cheesy), characters that I personally liked and it mixes the horror and comedy quite well.

By no means a cinematic masterpiece and not filled with talented actors, but a really fun movie and I insist that any one who enjoys 80's amateur cinema or slashers watch it.


It's a lot of fun, definitely. It never really takes itself too seriously (looks left, looks right, 'I got a bad feeling about this', looks left, looks right), and it has a good time reveling in its own cliches. I mean it has a theme song at the beginning called 'fall break', it let's you know right from the start that it's not serious and is just a goofy 80s slasher. The effect were pretty great, and the synth soundtrack was quite fitting.

Of course the writing is so so, the acting is amateur, etc. But nobody is watching an 80s slasher called 'the mutilator' for those aspects anyway.


Based slasher enjoyer.
