MovieChat Forums > Aberration (1998) Discussion > Am I the only one having a good time?

Am I the only one having a good time?

This movie is cheese drenched in green slime and blood. Pamela Gidley is adorable with pink hair and bullets blazing. Loved it Loved it Loved it. Couldn't have been more fun.


Your Not the only one! I loved it too, its on sci-now..
Love it love it too...corny, but good.


I do love it. It's a wonderful movie. Classic bad but good horror film. Especially at the end when the scientist goes a little crazy.

Best part "SHE WAS A NICE LADY!"


I liked it too. It's cheesy but there's a great deal of comfort about it. Perfect for a cold afternoon alone at home.




Come on, everybody should love this movie. This is a real trashy fun Fargo and silly badly made creatures movie. But it flows from start to finish without any boring parts. And it has some really over the top performances.
