On DVD in July

Coming out on Facets video in july



Just saw a review of the DVD on Amazon that says one of the most important, disturbing scenes in the film (the Nazi brothel) is cut. I was almost going to get the DVD because it supposedly is in correct scope aspect ratio. I just saw the film on Turner Classic Movies UNCUT (surprising as there is quite a bit of nudity in the brothel scene) but PAN-AND-SCAN!! Now that I know that one of the most important scenes in the film is cut, I will NOT be purchasing the DVD. Too bad, because it is an excellent film, and I would have liked to have seen it (in its entirety) in its proper aspect ratio.


hey i watched it earlier tonight too...can you tell me what happens though after the police round everyone in the building up in the basemnet though...i conked out right around that part and when i came to it was just ending...

wish i had taped it for sure.


Why would they cut a scene from a movie in this day and age? Somebody tell me. That scene was essential to showing some of the evil of the Nazis who were objectifying people and all that jazz. How about if I cut out all the tower scenes in Vertigo or the telescope scenes in Rear Window?

Do they think we're immature little preteeners or something? We're mature adults. We can handle this stuff. It's an insult not only to the audience, but to Zbyneck Brynych's work of philosophical, historical art which depicted an interesting and deeply psychological perspective on one of the most terrible points in the history of humanity.

If you take away the dehumanization and objectification from the movie, then it's just about a Jewish doctor running around to find morphine and ranting on occasion. If they don't show the pain and the suffocation of the world living under Nazi rule, they're skipping us out of at least half the movie.

Besides, that scene wasn't even shocking in the least. The whole point of the shower scene was to compare how the human body can be perceived as a work of art, as opposed to how the Nazis were objectifying, dehumanizing, and defacing the body as some form of mere property. That's what the Holocaust was all about. Hell, cutting that scene infers that we should become desensitized to the horrors of the second World War.

And putting aside all that artsy crap, I return to my first question. Who the hell cuts a movie in THIS day and age? It's 2008. It's been 40 years since this movie was made. Times have changed.

I demand with the hope that I am not alone in this that we reserve the right to enjoy this cinematography in its original format, as was originally delivered when it was first conceived.

In conclusion, shame on them for cutting out such an important scene! Shame on them for being so blind they would insult all those involved in the movie's conception by responding as if the director was some sort of pervert! If they have no respect for this film, they should hand the reins and thusly the profits over to someone who can appreciate it. Thank you.



Yes - I agree.
Where can I get the complete copy of this Excellent movie ? When will TCM
show this movie again ? Please let me know (and likewise). Thanks.
Bill on Jan. 12, 2011.
[email protected]


Well that partially explains why I found it slow, dull and kind of stupid. The brothel scene on the DVD I watched had been cut. Why can't these moron censors leave films alone??

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, or doesn't.
