I was watching 60 miunutes when they were talking about the science of homosexuality. While watching this, I wished that George Bush would also watch it, but that is a far fetched thing for him to grasp. I also wondered...

If politicians would've never brought up gay marriage, would it be as big of an issue as it is?

what do u think about that? do u think gay marriage would be that big if it was never rought up by politicians?

check out my other messages


Yeah, that was really interesting with the two sets of twins.


I thought the segment was fascinating. I'm sure the show must be getting mail from irate viewers about the mother with the fraternal twins. I think she is doing a courageous thing by accepting her son's strong innate feminine side. She understands he was born this way and is not attempting to bombard him with typical masculine traits. I wonder where the father is in all of this. I wonder if he is in the the children's lives.
