MovieChat Forums > 60 Minutes (1968) Discussion > Sleep segment seemed like one big Pharm ...

Sleep segment seemed like one big Pharm advert for Rx sleep drugs

That segment was nearly 30 minutes long and seemed such a non-story that I truly suspect it was there at the direction of some large Drug maker only to drum up sales of Rx drugs for sleep.

They spent the entire time describing how a lack of good, lengthy sleep makes you less efficient.

Well, duh.

At the very end of the segment they even said something to the effect of "napping during the day isn't going to help you nearly as much as a long night of sleep".



They spent the entire time describing how a lack of good, lengthy sleep makes you less efficient.
No, that was not at all the purpose of the report. Watch it again and this time pay attention. And nothing about the report, to my recollection, involved sleep medication. I actually find it truly hilarious that you suggest that 60 Minutes would do a report to please pharmicutical companies when I seem to remember them doing at least two or three negative stories about pharmacitical companies in just the last few years.


I stand by my suspicions.

That entire story was useless and provided practically zero information which isn't already common sense. There was no legitimate reason why it should have aired.

The fact that they have had negative pharm segments in the past proves nothing. Each segment has to be considered individually.


That entire story was useless and provided practically zero information which isn't already common sense. There was no legitimate reason why it should have aired.
OK. Since you weren't paying attention to the story, I will be more specific. The report documented new information being currently researched about the extent that a lack of sleep has in the ability to make decisions. It also documented the fact that the portion of the sleep cycle known as REM sleep seems to play the major role in this. That was the entire purpose of the studies that the students were going through. They actually didn't deprive them of sleep. They deprived them of REM sleep. Yet the effect was the same as if they had actually not slept. This information was not known before and certainly was not common sense. And it showed that as people age the portion of their sleep that is in REM sleep declines, which may have major effects on how long they live.
Did you actually watch the story or did you just see around 30 seconds of it and assumed you knew what it was about?


Yep. I watched the entire story (nearly 30 minutes long)...intrigued by what new information was actually going to be presented. And there wasn't any.

I bet if you asked 100 people if they learned anything new after watching that story 99 would say no.

The only message was that people don't get enough sleep during the night. And, they also conveniently mentioned that napping during the day doesn't help. Isn't that nice.

It would be nice to know who funded that 'new' research.

Let's all now go out and get a prescription for the new AmbienCR!


Yep. I watched the entire story (nearly 30 minutes long)...intrigued by what new information was actually going to be presented. And there wasn't any.
I just explained to you what new information was presented! Did you not pay attention to my post as well? Perhaps this is the way you work. You always ignore everything that conflicts with your preconceived notions. Either that, or you were actually aware of everything I mentioned in my previous post. That is highly doubtful since the academic community apparently didn't know about this until recently. And, of course, you then clearly show that you either didn't read or pay attention to my post by saying
The only message was that people don't get enough sleep during the night. And, they also conveniently mentioned that napping during the day doesn't help. Isn't that nice.
What about my post was confusing? I told you what the story was about.
It would be nice to know who funded that 'new' research.
I'm pretty sure that was mentioned in the story. Wasn't this a university study? The subjects were university students and my recollection was it was being researched by a university professor. That would certainly suggest that it was being funded by the university.


OK, you watched it so closely. The question is who paid for the study? Not who did the study.
