MovieChat Forums > 60 Minutes (1968) Discussion > Ugh this Obama interview is so biased...

Ugh this Obama interview is so biased...

Steve Kroft comes off like a very unsubstantive Republican schilling for his party, not an unbiased reporter.

"There's a general perception that the stimulus didn't work" - bah! Thank GOD Obama stopped him before he went any further and pointed out that every economist with any clout says that it DID work.

And why isn't he asking about the Affordable Care Act? Because if he did, Obama would have to point out that the Congressional Budget Office and every other non-partisan think tank estimates that it is NOT a "job killer" and that it will actually add jobs and lower costs in the economy, and that it will reduce the deficit.



This interview, I am sure was edited. Also, he is a reporter, he is supposed to ask questions. I thought Romney looked terrible in his interview.



Also, he is a reporter, he is supposed to ask questions.

Well of course he's supposed to ask questions! I just found his questions so unsubstantive in that interview, and in last nights interview Scott Pelley's just blew Kroft's away. Every one of Pelley's questions was so substantive and actually went somewhere, even the way he phrased the final questions that were supposed to be the same as Kroft's.


Just keep in mind, it is edited. He might of asked questions, but they were not answered how they wanted to present them. Also, you are asking one guy who is out of touch with the common folk, who thinks the middle class has corporate income as part of their overall income. And the other is the President.

