I love Leslie Stahl

She's so take-no-prisoners! I really like her. She's like vaguely off-putting, but in a tough, fun way.

I can just imagine that no one else will agree....


You are kidding, right? Her reaction to every segment she's in is like a caveman seeing an automobile for the first time. Her favorite comments are, "How does that work?" and "That can't possibly be true!"

She's never assigned to the hard-hitting investigative stories, she's always assigned to the "Golly Gee Wow!" stories because that's what she does best, gawk at new technology.

If she ever comes knocking at my door I'll know enough to distract her with something shiny.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Uhhh she was assigned to Sarkozy and that important mineral thing a while back...

I think she's doing fine. She was even on Frasier once where they made references to her being a hard hitting newswoman.

I don't think you've watched this show every long.


when she gets her eyes going gonzo ! look out.

Where there's smoke, there's barbecue!


> I think she's doing fine. She was even on Frasier once where they made references to her being a hard hitting newswoman.

Certainly everyone wants to pretend that she's a hard-hitting journalist, but she's not. She simply reacts to thing people show and tell her.

This week she did a piece on the high cost of cancer drugs and all she did in each interview was say, "Gosh. It can't really cost so much," and, "That's so unbelievable," and "How can drug companies get away with that?"

At best, she parrots back whatever the interviewer says. So, the guy says, "The price of this drug tripled in three years," and she says, "Do you mean that people have to pay three times the price now? That can't be true."

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
