MovieChat Forums > 60 Minutes (1968) Discussion > 60 Minutes has fallen into disrepair

60 Minutes has fallen into disrepair

The once revered and respected news magazine show has certainly weakened over the years.

But lately the decay seems to be accelerating. They kept Rooney's trite and pointless segments many years too long. And over the last couple of years they've focused on cranking out puff piece sports stories, presumably so they can be regurgitated for their 60 Minutes Sports spinoff.

We can consider whether the modern journalistic and media environment is the cause, or whether 60 Minutes is to blame. But when there are other smaller outlets like Vice turning out the kind of stories 60 Minutes used to be capable of, it's undeniable the fault must rest with 60 Minutes.

They need to make wholesale changes now, or continue the slow melt into obscurity.


their benghazi report...oops.

'You can calm down a fool before you can resurrect a corpse.'-John Thompson


Yeah they had to apologize for lying just like they were Fox News or something!


it wasn't that much of an apology more like they blamed not being told the right account.

We have a pool and a pond...pond be good for you.



The entire American media is in disrepair. Fox is the media wing of/shills for the Repugnantcans, MSNBC is the media wing/shills for the, CNN deals in moral equivalency regardless of who is objectively/morally right or wrong (Woof Schitzer says something like "Millions of working poor with two/three jobs and no medical insurance and in need of food stamps - right or wrong?"). Of course the Daily Show/Colbert lean left - meaning they objectively are morally correct because they want what is best for the overwhelming majority of people in the world - the poor/middle income/powerless, those who need help the most. The two criminal families in Congress need each other and support each other so that neither ever has to take the blame for the madness that is the American government, and the media follows in lockstep. Liberal news media my ass! It has never been true, but if only it WERE true, public opinion and awareness would be towards looking at the wealthy and powerful and the war profiteers of the world with SUSPICION, instead of worshiping them as we do in America.

If you put me on ignore, then how can I notify you when I win the lottery?


"Liberal news media my ass! It has never been true,
but if only it WERE true,..."

It *is* is your ass! How disingenuous it is of to not acknowledge,
for instance, how all of the news networks (other than FOX) have been
in the back pocket for President Obama, President Clinton, the Democrats,
their administrations, and the national race baiters. So, King_Of_Fuh,
foo on you!

Country + RAP = CRAP

Country + ROCK = CROCK


With the hiring of lara logan they have taken a step backwards. With the benghazi lie they have taken a step towards fox like hack journalism.


lara logan is taking a vacation.

I'll talk some jive. I'll talk some jive like you've never heard!


Andy Rooney's abrupt dismissal and death, followed by 60 Minutes' downward spiral...........coincidence ???



It fell apart long before that. And sorry to say, but his "reports" were a waste of air time.


The lameness continues.

A one sided softball session with the two republican bozos. I get that they needed to provide "equal time", to offset Obama's appearance. But that doesn't mean they need to use soft questions and not bother to follow on obvious duplicitous answers. A high school journalism student would do better.

Then we have a rehash of an already fully covered Cleveland story, adding nothing new or interesting.

But most aggravating was the inclusion of yet another forced sports story, blatantly there for no other reason than to feed their sister show, 60 Minutes Sports.

What a shame.
