MovieChat Forums > 60 Minutes (1968) Discussion > Scraping the bottom of the barrel for st...

Scraping the bottom of the barrel for stories

Watched Lesley Stahl do another story on those people with super-memory --(Lazy Lesley)--- Centered this time on one of the men who was on the previous story and featured his ability to invent a fictional basketball team in his head for the last 50 years................What's the big deal? I have relatives who are crazier than that ----I had a great uncle who thought he was Gregory Peck ---he bought the biggest shoe lifts he could find and used to lower his voice so far that he croaked.


Maybe she's pals with Marilu Henner and does these stories just so they can get together for lunch.
Stahl specializes in these mushy puff pieces. She really needs to do something
more hard-hitting, or else get out of Lara Logan's way.

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!



> Stahl specializes in these mushy puff pieces. She really needs to do something
more hard-hitting, or else get out of Lara Logan's way.

I think Leslie is playing the part of the average fool in the audience. Each of her pieces features her gasping in amazement at something that is not too shocking and then saying, "No! That can't be true. But, how can that be?"

She wants the average schmuck in the audience to see themselves in her position looking at some new technology or ability and then she reacts like she thinks that viewer would react.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
