Really, 60 Minutes?

On the puff piece on Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, they mention his mother Margaret, and show a picture of actress Kim Catrall with his father Pierre. Who does the fact checking at 60M?


They must employ fact checkers so young that they've never seen Sex and the City I guess, because that photo was unmistakably Kim Cattrall - despite the odd decision to show an image from 1981 in black and white. Were they hoping to make JT's back story seem more historically important?


In a round about way it kind of gives credence to what Justin was kindly eluding to about how the U.S. is pretty self absorbed in themselves...β€œIt might be nice if they paid a little more attention to the world.”, and I thought, yeah namely us next door...seems that most Americans don't know much about Canada other than Hockey, Maple Syrup and Beavers...

It's pretty sad that they can't be bothered to fact check their pictures while they're doing a big interview with the leader of the country next door...

"You're going to need a bigger boat"



the U.S. is pretty self absorbed in themselves...

In all fairness, 60 Minutes is an American newsmagazine television programme. It's no surprise that it would seem to be a bit "centric" in its content. Local news tends to be more concerned with local affairs because it's more relevant to the locals. It's no different in Canada, UK, etc.

seems that most Americans don't know much about Canada other than Hockey, Maple Syrup and Beavers...

And what percentage of 320M people have you polled to draw that weasel-worded generalization?

β€” Silence is of the gods; only monkeys chatter.
