Zola's House

does anyone know the address to the house they used for Zola's house? in the last few days it's been in a couple of other movies/commercials and i'm trying to locate it online to show my mom that the house is still used...


Apparently 1635/1636 Woods Drive, West Hollywood, CA 90069.

The house is called Stahl House (or Case Study House no. 22):

"Let's start with the tangibles. Carlotta and Buck Stahl live in Case Study House No. 22, a glass-walled miracle in the Hollywood Hills, designed by the noted architect Pierre Koenig in 1958 and memorialized by an evocative Julius Shulman photograph of two women sitting inside the house. Soon after the home was built, film companies were interested in its unique design and cliff-top fit.

"They made a movie here in 1962 called 'Smog,' " says Carlotta Stahl. "But when they came up, it was a clear day, so they had to spray gunk on the windows to make it look like you were looking out at smog." The 2,300-square-foot house has more recently appeared in "Nurse Betty," "Why Do Fools Fall in Love," "Galaxy Quest" and "The Marrying Man."

"It's an architectural masterpiece perched at the top of the Sunset Strip, looking out at a blanket of lights," explains location manager John Panzarella, who used the Stahl home for the home of soap opera doctor Greg Kinnear in "Nurse Betty." "The house is completely made of glass, so you have the opportunity to film the interior from the exterior. You can set up a shot with the pool in the foreground, and through the glass wall you can see right into the house."

from http://www.latimes.com/features/home/la-hm-location7oct07,1,210625.story?coll=la-headlines-home&ctrack=1&cset=true.

Also has been in (on top of what was mentioned in that quote) "Where the Truth Lies" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0123324/board/nest/42101440, and others http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0373450/board/nest/48468269.

Also, while we're here, here's a couple youtube videos of the house:
and, a Sony PlayStation commercial set at the house:


oh man, thank you so much! this is really cool!


Gee, I didn't realize the house had so much history behind it!

Pretty cool.

This time, Effie White's gonna win.


I just took a look at the house at latimes.com. It's a wonderful home. Does anyone know about the actual home owned by Zola Taylor in the movie?
