Ending Credits Song?

It's a punk version of "Dead Man's Curve", does anyone know the artist?

I tried Jan and Dean, also Blink 182's version but neither of them are it. I saw a Beach Boys version but that's obviously not it.

Who sings it, I have to know!


If you still want to know this I can find out for you. I have the end credits at the begging of something I taped on DVR. Let me know. [email protected]


Check this page, maybe you'll find the song : (http://www.artistdirect.com/nad/store/artist/album/0,,881347,00.html?src=search)



it was listed in the ending credits over which it played...it's by The Belljars.


It's not listed in the link C-C-N posted. It was recorded especially for the film - "The Belljars" is an obvious nod to Sylvia Plath who is mentioned once or twice in the film. It is on the very rare Japanese song soundtrack, but good luck finding it - I haven't yet, and I've looked everywhere online.


Actually, you can - it's available here on import for 2200 yen ($20).

