MovieChat Forums > Samurai Pizza Cats (1996) Discussion > They don't make Anime this good anymore....

They don't make Anime this good anymore...

When I look at the anime that today's kids watch (Dragon Ball Z, One Piece, Naruto, and so forth), it just doesn't stack up to the humor and cute animation of Pizza Cats.

I really wish they would at least rerun this show on cable to I could copy it in DVD quality....



agree totally!

adult anime is great but nowerdays the kids anime is AWFUL. No astro boy or kimba the white lion for the 'naughtys' kids of today...oh no. It all 'gotta collect them all' mentality started by pokemon. at first it was cute but then got agrivating as every used that as an example of what anime was.

shoping arcade abonoshi comes close with gags but was too adult to really be called kids anime.

I want to LAUGH again at anime. Humour anime seems to be forgetable. While pizza cats is something I can watch over and over and over again.

I have just got the first dvd volume (I hope to god they will release the rest) and was cracking up laughing even before the opening credits stoped.

It not THAT HARD to make something like this surely?


I don't care about modern anime, heck, I don't even know what are the best modern anime shows but "Samurai Pizza Cats" may be the best anime!
It's an excellent cartoon with great humor.

Hopefully someday it will get the recognition it deserves.

"Hate is baggage, life's too short to be pissed off all the time".


The Dragonball series was on TV before Pizza Cats ;)


The original Dragonball Series, but the crappy continuation series weren't.


This show is underrated and no cartoon will beat it.

The theme tune at the start is the best I can remember it so well.

So wach warst du noch nie


I wouldn't say that. You are just probably saying that coz you get a bit nostalgic when you hear about the show. I don't see how it better than Naruto or even Dragon Ball or DBZ. They're all great shows in their own right.


SPC wins for it's timeless comedic genius. You can be 10-years-old or 35, and still find it incredible hilarious. DBZ or Naruto don't have nearly the same type of appeal.


Yup, love this anime since i was 14 in 1996 when i got up every morning to watch this on FOX and loved it cause i was into anime since i saw Vampire Hunter D and rented Akira.

"Oh wow, good Nyborg"-Heavy Metal.


Samurai Pizza Cats and King of the Hill were the two best animes of the 90s!


Good to see others remember this show. I used to watch it in the mornings before school, along with Mutant League and Extreme Ghostbusters. On days I skipped, I remember Sailor Moon coming on at 7:30am. These were some of the last cartoons I was ever into. In '97 I started high school, and, was a whole different ballgame from there.

You got the wrong guy, mang. I don't come off no banana boat.
