I Love this Show

This show is so good. I've loved it ever since i first saw it on ABC and have been a fan ever since. My favourite episode is Doug in Debt when he and Roger steal the Big Plastic Cow from Mr. Curdzini. I love Mr. Curdzini & that cow i always wanted to see them in more episodes. The other ones i liked were when Ned's house is burned down and he has to stay with Doug, or when Doug does his creative book report or when Skeeter & BeBe start dating and Doug tries to sabatoge their relationship. This show is just so good and so funny. I love Roger he's hillarious. If they ever put this show on DVD i'll buy it as soon as it comes out.

"Hey, Hey Kid How Would You Like A Career in Show Buisness?"



I like it too. Now it was definately not on par with The Nick version. But it was good. I enjoyed it many a sick day (or skippedday) from school. But if you compared the two, this one would lose, big time.


Orginally Posted by - Cal Hawks

I like it too. Now it was definately not on par with The Nick version. But it was good. I enjoyed it many a sick day (or skippedday) from school. But if you compared the two, this one would lose, big time.

I agree, I personally loved the show and while I have to agree it was not as good as the original it wasn't crap.

I wonder if the problem was that many people who watched the original when they were young had since grown out of cartoon by the time New Doug aired (thank god I haven't and never will).

It wasn't the greatest cartoon ever, but it didn't suck.(IMHO)



I totaly love this show 2.I allways use to watch
it when i was little be4 school! When did the disney version start? I dont think we got that over here in NZ. They havn't played it since i was little except last year 4 about a month then they took it off. Evil!! Wat's the diffrence with the new version:) Any?
I still love Doug and totaly hopes it comes out on dvd:):)


I liked this show. I wasn't as good as the NICK version but it was still good. My favorite episode was "Dougs Dream House".

*All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.*




the new doug sucks disney ruined it was better on nick



I've heard that Disney's Doug was stupid so I've never took the time to see it but I think that I wouldn't like it very much.


Nickelodeon's Doug is wayyyyyyyyyyy better than Disney's Doug!



i never saw doug, but i did see brand spanking NEW! DOUG, and i loved the show, i miss watching it on BBC mastercontrole, along with PepperANN, and other crazy caretoons. i even bought the movie doug when it came out. not right away couldnt find it untill 2 yrs ago.



Here here!

I also watched it on Master-control, and although I was confused when it debuted (I couldn't figure out why it was called the NEW Doug) I loved it to death. It was one of my favourites.

I've never seen the Nick version, and quite frankly, I don't care.

And for all you haters out there, Disney, how ever much they may be a big scary corporation, make REALLY good saturday morning cartoons. I've rarely seen a Disney cartoon that I didn't think had redeeming qualities- The New Doug, Pepper Ann, The Weekenders, Recess or going back even further- Tale Spin, Rescue Rangers, Gargoyles. They know how to make good saturday morning cartoons. I don't care if Disney is a bunch of baby-eating Nazis, their cartoons are still good. ;)


I never hated this version, but I never really particularly watched it. I watched it for a little bit when it was on Toon Disney, but then it like disappeared. It wasn't bad, although I totally agree about Nick's being better. It just was, but that doesn't mean this version was bad. Also my favorite episode is Doug Is Hamburger Boy (it's from the Nick version though).

Um, Disney used to make pretty good cartoons, as did Nick. I used to love Darkwing Duck and Gargoyles, also Bonkers. I also loved Pepper Ann. Nick had great ones too like Rocko's Modern Life, Ren and Stimpy, Doug, Rugrats (before Dil and Kimi came), Angry Beavers, Kablam, Aaaah! Real Monsters. Those were all great (epsecially Rocko, Rugrats, and Doug). Today both channels cartoons suck, except for Kim Possible on Disney (and American Dragon is okay; Brandy & Mr. Whiskers, Dave the Barbarian, etc are terrible). Nick's only good cartoons are Sponge Bob (although this is majority belief, I personally don't like it very much) and the Fairly Oddparents (I don't even know any other cartoons on the station, but I know some of their terrible crap like Mr. Meaty). My favorite from those four is Kim Possible which I really like a lot.


You should see the nick version as it's the more proper version.



Roger was MUCH funnier in this show...

"All that you know, is at an end"-Silver Surfer


I never had cable so Disney's Doug was my intro to the series, as a kid I always thought it was a Disney original series and didn't learn it originated on Nick until years later, so to be honest I prefer the Disney version and I actually like Doug's voice better in this series.


In the nickelodeon one yes I agree.
