MovieChat Forums > Ronin (1998) Discussion > What was Sean Bean's tip on the drawing ...

What was Sean Bean's tip on the drawing board?

He was drawing those snipers on each side of the road and was going to give the others a tip on how to handle that situation in real life, but de Niro interrupted him and we never got to hear the tip.

So what was it?


I think he said, " Now let me show you a little trick." we will never know thanks to Deniro and that coffee cup.


Maybe he was going to pull out a pack of cards from his pocket and say: "Pick a card, any card, and don't let me see it".



Fawk you DeNiro, for interrupting Mr Bean's tip!



He said "I'll tell you, an old trick". The "trick" was having two shooters facing each other at opposite sides of the street, shooting at the car passing by in between them. Sam mocked him by telling him that the shooters would just shoot each other dead if they missed the car, to see if Bean would come up with a tactical response. Instead, Bean started to panic and Sam finally managed to expose him as a fraud...

"Remember my'll be screaming it later"


cus saying you knowing a 'tip' is a trick trainers etc use to make it seem like they have time served experience, even if they haven't and someone just told them the 'tip' to say it. Cold be a way of bluffing competence


How did a fraud even get recruited?

