The blind date.....

OMG. Shes a 12 monther.

Blind date that bad, it would be ~ a year before I'd even consider another.

Exaggeration you say? Sadly, no. Been there, done that.

Why is it those with the least to say, talk the most and the loudest.


She was perfectly obnoxious. It says in her bio that he is a long-time friend of director Bonnie Hunt and was part of a Second City comedy trio with her and Joan Cusack.

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Margie - Maggie - whatever...YIKES! The perfect obnoxious self centered bitch...

And huge boobs don't make a "great body" as Charlie advertised.

I also noted that Charlie seemed to always have skanky bimbos hanging off him...


That scene was hilarious and she was great, she was so rude and obnoxious haha.


ITA with you. That scene was a riot


found hot and pleasant, should've stuck w her


I understand that it's only a character, and one whose behavior was deliberately obnoxious to support the story. However, having said that, could you imagine what that character would be like in bed? I couldn't run away fast enough.


She kept repeating that Swiss Water story! Poor Bob. Charlie should have known that his friend was not the "hit it and quit it" sort of man.
