english dubbed mcog dvd

I have found a web site were someone is selling the english dubbed dvd's of mcog. He only charges $35.00 for the 8 dvd's, the cases, and shipping. I sent the money order on sat. he got it monday and i had the dvd's on thursady. You can contact him at this web site


Ive only watched the first 5 episodes and they looked and sounded great.


Thanks for the compliments on the DVD's. I was the one who submitted most of the "alternate versions." I found these from audio dubbing the Japanese DVD set into English.

It's really too bad that you can't get the series officially in English, but can get it in French, German, and Japanese.

The German Version has the original English theme song.


This is a good version of the show for those who want an English version. He also now accepts Paypal. I have official French and German versions of the show and the quality is fairly comparible to both the majority of the time. The audio can be a bit iffy at times but it was taken from some old self recorded VHS tapes. Fingers crossed we will get an official English release of the series though. A few people are presently working on making some English subtitles for the series which I hope will also be timed so they will work with either the French or German release. Probably the German as there is only the one version and it will be easier to avoid confusion. I do recommend getting an official release of the series as well though. It is very interesting to compare characters (how they sound) between the various different versions. The Japanese version even has an entirely different soundtrack to the others.
