Gaspard and Gomez

Could you please say what happened to those two guys at the end?I think they tried to take some gold with them but they didn't succeed or...


They were most likely crushed while the City was getting destroyed. I would assume they were killed because it was the ending to the show, and alot of characters died during the last few episodes. Also it would make sense, they paid for their greed in the end, and had a warning to escape beforehand, but chose to stay to pick up more Gold. The cartoon tends to kill off those that have been completey selfish/greedy.

However, Gomez and Gaspard have survived similar near-death experiences. Remember when the cliff fell on them? It looked like they were dead then, but it turns out they weren't.

I don't think anyone knows if they lived or not, the creators probably aren't even sure. :P


Thanks a lot!Now I remember that their boat crushed when the City was getting destroyed.But when "Esperanza" began its voyage to the New World there was another captain on the board called Perez.I couldn't understand what happened with him as I skipped some episodes including the shipwreck.It'll be great if you tell me because although he Gomez and Gaspard were the bad guys I did find them interesting and funny-far more interesting than Pedro and Sancho for example.


Your welcome.

Yeah while they were gathering up as much Gold as they could get their hands on (they put it on a boat to escape), the City of Gold was being destroyed by the Earthquakes. We don't actually see them dieing, it would be a miracle if they were alive though. Afterwards the whole city dissapeared, so I assume they went down with it.

Perez got away on one of the lifeboats with Gomez and some more of the crew. We don't see Gaspard getting on as Gomez instructed him to bring him back Zia. He must have got on one of the last remaining lifeboats.

Gomez and Gaspard were really good characters, it wasn't as if they were evil like some of the other villains for example. They were quite funny in the series. :)

If you would like to see more detailed topics about the Cities of Gold, or details on how to get a complete DVD set, you might want to visit my forum:


Thanks for the information!


They cheated death on 2 occasions early in the series - first they are onboard a ship which is destroyed in the explosion that claims the Solaris. Secondly, when their plan to break into the High Peak with explosives backfires and they get washed away in the flood. Even before the second near death, Gaspard is lucky to avoid getting hit by several cannonballs (all miss him by inches!)

At the end though, they are just doing the utter impossible - pieces of gold that big would weigh tonnes, given that it is 19 times heavier than water.

