A more concise cast list?

Any possibility of there being a more concise cast list for the English dub? It's just that some of the characters who have prominent parts don't get mentioned on cast lists. Here are some


Father Rodriguez (I'm sure it's the guy who later does Menator)

Captain Perez (Another voice that appears often in the show as minor characters)

And when you first meet Yupani at the Fort of the Black Eagle, I swear it sounds like Tygra from the original Thundercats.


The voice of Marinche is Jane Woods. You can listen to her voice demo here: http://voicebank.net/cabinet/agencyfolder.do?path=%2F1679%2Fcabinet%2Fpublicaudio%2FCOMMERCIAL+-+FEMALE

Captain Perez is Walter Massey, who also voices Dr. Fernando Laguerra (aka The Doctor).
