The character you liked most

Mine favourite one was definitely Mendoza-a brave adventurer who actually had a good heart.I consider him as the most interesting character-at the beginning he was the greedy man who didn't care very much about the kids.But throughout the show he developed and showed his real nature but all the time he was a tough guy.
Esteban,Zhia and Tao were very nice as well.Pedro and Sancho were quite annoying to my mind.Gaspard and Gomez were stylish villains and I liked them.The doctor and Malincha were a strange but interesting couple.






As a child, I thought Estaban was great because he was this brave kid who was getting into all these adventures. Looking back now, it is Mendoza who interests me for the same reasons as you. He is the one who is developed the most and although he is flawed, he does come to care for these kids. For a children's show, MCoG had many interesting characters though and even the villians were presented in a three-dimensional sense which makes you almost understand what motivates them.

"I always pretend to root for Gryffindors but, secretly, I love my Slytherin boys."~ Karen, W&G


One of the reasons I love this show so much is the excellent characters and their stories. Mendoza definatly had the most character development, at the begining he was greedy and thought more of the gold, as time went on he grew on the children and realized he'd miss them if they weren't around. We saw a really kind side to Mendoza not that we didn't all know he was great anyway. ;) As a kid I liked Zia the most, probably for the simple reason she was the only girl in the group. She's a very sweet and strong girl, despite having such hatred for the spaniards her character changed and she learnt to trust them, especially Esteban. Esteban was fun, adventurerious and very brave. Tao is the last descendant of the magnificent Heva empire, hes very intelligent but still enjoys being a kid. The idea that each child is of different races and backgrounds makes the show that more interesting, compared to all the other cartoons. Sancho and Pedro were just there really, causing havoc! So I'm not sure who would consider them above the other characters.

So I would say now Mendoza is my favourite character but as a child Zia was. It's hard because they're all so great.


estaban because he reminds me of my favirote disney character mowgli from my favirote movie ever made jungle book zia was pritty cool too


Mendoza was a bad-ass!


I think they all were fun.



Tao was always my favorite. He´s so smart.


It's a tie between Esteban and Zia.

Esteban is that truly great kind of character - a genuine, good hearted, strongwilled and determined young male figure who everyone is cheering on. I say genuine because you can see his slight imperfections and how he grows as the series goes from episode to episode. I also say genuine because many characters (and actors) are artificially squeezed into a role where they have to play, for example in this case a young male hero. And yet it is so rare when the character actually is all those things and yet at the same time are genuinely themselves, complete with their slight flaws. There is no pretension to Esteban. He ranks up there with other great young male heros like Huckleberry Finn. He cares about helping all people - Spanish, Incas, everyone who is good. Esteban can be slightly silly at times too - but when things get tough he deals with the challenge. Typical wear for him is sandals, long white T-shirt with a long thin belt double looped over it and brown leggings that look like extended, close fitting long shorts (kind of like what pro cyclists wear like in the Tour du France)

Zia, the Inca girl, is a remarkable feminine figure - she is caring, unafraid, intuitive and is dedicated to helping others. She is a strong, positive female role model. Throughout the whole show, she was there to help out her friends and followed where the boys went (except fot that washing scene heh). Her clothes were pretty, her personality was strong, honest and good. She, like Esteban, wants to help and protect people. Her ability to communicate often helped soothe over conflicts or problems. She is an excellent companion, exactly the kind of person that you want on your side, or, as in the case of Esteban, near your side. It's fairly obvious that there is something going on with Esteban and Zia, maybe not physical, but there is without a doubt a very strong emotional bond between them. Zia, her name, means either "light and splendor" or a kind of nutritious grain or plant. Typical wear for her is her attractive light orange natural and simple dress outfit and her "Inca girl" sandals. I almost want to call it the "hippie girl" dress except it looks more Indian than hippie.

and bonus runner-up props to Tao for being one of the coolest animated black kids in the history of animation. Even though he was from an ancient civilization (Heva, Atlantis, Mu same thing really) he is obviously the black kid on the adventure. He is very smart and seeks the Cities of Gold not out of greed, but to learn more about his ancestry. Tao is an invaluable part of the team. White boy Esteban and Tao often have different ways of approaching a problem. They eventually are great friends. The three children, together, form a nearly unstoppable team.




Um - Tao is not black, nor was he meant to be. He's an islander, not Negroid.


I was in love with him when all my friends went for Esteban.
And even today... Well, is there something wrong with having a massive crush on a character from a children's show when you're 25?
Mendoza is by far the most interesting character, he is tough and self-assured and, oh! that voice in the French version!


Esteban is definitely my fave, he was so cute, I loved him to bits!!
All the characters are great - the character development is quite brilliant in this show, they all have such individual personalities which is quite something for a cartoon!
It's easy to forget that they are just drawings!!


Ha, I'm 29 and I fancy Mendoza too! Lol. He has a lovely voice in the English version which, incientally, was also the guy who directed the English dubs or something - can't remember but it's on the documentary. I just love the fact he's so resourceful and brave and clever, and the way he swishes that cloak is really...well, hot!



Mendoza is my favourite character too by far. Does anyone know who voiced him in the English version shown in the UK?

Pedro, Sancho and Zia were quite irritating. Esteban could be ok, but, as far as the children are concerned, Tao is the best out of those 3.


Howard Ryshpan voiced Mendoza in the English version. At least Jason from and talked to him, had a voice sample at one point, and it was pretty sure he was Mendoza.

He said he did the voice of Nono on Ulysses 31. So I believe he also did the voice of Pedro as one of his many voice talents.

I found that pretty much the entire voice cast of Mysterious Cities of gold is listed in the Wizard of Oz cartoon. It is just that they don't match up the people with the voice actors.
